Traceability With A Story – Morning Glory Farms

Morning Glory Farms is now able to connect with end consumers and tell the story of their Spaghetti Squash – showcasing their farm and educating consumers about the origin of their produce and how to enjoy Spaghetti Squash, closing the feedback loop from farm to fork both locally and in the Southeast Asia region.

About Morning Glory Farms

Morning Glory Farms is a third and fourth generation farm located in the Southern Forests region of Western Australia.

  • Location: Southern Forests, Western Australia
  • Industry: Fresh Produce, Cattle and Sheep
  • Supplies produce to leading supermarket retailers like Coles and IGA
  • Grows diverse range of crops such as stone fruit, sweet corn and spaghetti squash

DiMuto Results

  • SMART Marketing Solutions helped engaged end consumers and strengthen Morning Glory Farms brand
  • DiMuto Digital Asset Creation (DAC) and Trade Platform provided trade traceability that helped move Morning Glory Farms Produce into Southeast Asia

Key Challenges: Engaging End Consumers and Educating Them About Spaghetti Squash to Grow Export Demand

While the spaghetti squash is available in supermarkets around the world, it is still relatively unknown to many consumers, especially in Southeast Asia. Thus, marketing and branding campaigns need to be done to let more people know about the produce, and how to enjoy and cook the produce.

As farmers, Morning Glory Farms found it difficult to reach out to consumers directly and tell the story of their produce. They lacked a simple, cost-efficient method to communicate the produce origins, farming practices and story of their farm to consumers.

The limited consumer awareness and knowledge on spaghetti squash, coupled with their lack of familiarity with the neighbouring region of Southeast Asia, made growing their export market challenging for Morning Glory Farms.

How DiMuto Helps 

As part of DiMuto’s trade solutions platform, the Sales & Marketing Retention & Awareness Tool (SMART) Marketing solution allows small and medium produce growers and suppliers like Morning Glory Farms to conduct cost effective marketing campaigns to engage consumers. When consumers scan the DiMuto QR codes tagged to the Spaghetti Squash, they are able to see its product origin, obtain information about the farm and growing practices, as well as learn new recipes and participate in exciting lucky draws. Consumers are also encouraged to leave feedback on the squash, giving Morning Glory Farms important information about the quality of the product and the consumer experience.

Morning Glory Farms Squash Traceability

Morning Glory Farms Squash with DiMuto QR and Product Page as part of DiMuto SMART Marketing Solution 

The traceability provided by digitalizing their produce also allowed Morning Glory Farms to gain trust with new buyers, access the Singapore market and showcase their produce like Spaghetti and Squash on the retail floor as part of DiMuto’s Global Trade Network.

Morning Glory Farms Squash at Wholesale Market in Singapore

Morning Glory Farms Plums

Morning Glory Farms Plums at Wholesale Market in Singapore

DiMuto Distributor Receiver App

As each carton of plums has been assigned a unique DiMuto QR code, Morning Glory Farms is able to track and trace every single carton of plums on the blockchained DiMuto Trade Platform and share the information with their trade partners. At the point of receiving in the export market Singapore, the distributor can also use the DiMuto app to acknowledge receipt of goods and close the supply chain loop.

Simply scan the carton of produce to begin

Buyers are able to leave immediate feedback related to each carton and each order directly on the DiMuto Platform.

Buyers are also able to upload photos showing the quality of the produce that they have received. Each photo and feedback information will be uploaded onto the DiMuto blockchain-powered Trade Platform under the relevant trade order. Buyers will also have easy access to all the relevant trade documents related to each carton and each individual products – including product certificates, shipping documents, invoices etc. This closes the loop from farm/packinghouse to the buyer/distributor using a single platform. 

Morning Glory Farms produce being retailed in Singapore

With the traceability of their produce, Morning Glory Farms is now able to directly engage consumers easily and get access to new export markets.

Bevan Eatts Morning Glory Farms DiMuto Western Australia Squash

Morning Glory Farms owner Bevan (Left) and son Ewan Eatts, with DiMuto Founder and Chairman Gary Loh (Right)

Bevan Eatts, owner of Morning Glory Farms, commented, “As a grower, it is difficult to reach out to consumers directly and tell our story. With DiMuto’s marketing solution, we are now able to let people know where and how their squash is grown, as well as getting feedback from them – a platform that truly closes the loop from farm to fork.”

With DiMuto-verified products and trade, Morning Glory Farms was able to access new export markets in Southeast Asia as part of DiMuto’s Global Trade Network, and conduct marketing campaigns to grow their brand.

If you are interested to learn more about how DiMuto helps create traceability for fresh produce, please reach us here or drop us an email at [email protected].